Justifying an APM investment, part 2 – quantifying positive impact on the business

This is our second post on the topic of justifying investments in APM technologies, which is still a challenge with IT budgets still tight and APM projects not taken for granted. In our last post, we looked at how to make the case for how an APM solution will have a positive impact on the business. […]
Justifying an APM software investment, part 1 – a positive impact on the business

Today we are starting a series of posts to discuss the topic of justifying investments in APM technologies. Application Performance Management (APM) tools are becoming an integral part of the infrastructure for mission-critical business applications, making it easier to justify investment in APM technology. However, IT budgets worldwide are still tight, and the business case for implementing […]
The 5 golden rules for balancing Siebel log levels for efficient Siebel application performance monitoring

You’ve all been here before: how do you get enough data to understand what’s going on in your Siebel application and perform Root Cause Analyses (RCAs), while balancing the potential impact of higher log levels on performance and disk space. At Germain, we’ve had this conversation hundreds of times with Siebel customers when implementing our APM […]
End-to-End Application Performance Management: what it really means and why it is likely to be one of your top 3 priorities

Application Performance Management (APM) as a discipline is getting more and more complex. Many groups and talents need to be involved to provide the business with the applications they need. The application infrastructure itself is typically very customized and integrated. Looking for the root cause of performance problems is like searching for a needle in […]