Germain UX

7 Ways to Get Started on Proactive Application Monitoring

We mentioned in our last post ”The 3 Main Benefits of Proactive Application Monitoring“ how proactive application monitoring can be extremely valuable for your business, but as with any new business process it helps to have a few concrete steps to get started. While these are by no means the whole story, they are our […]

Justifying an APM investment, part 3 – reducing IT and Operations costs

In Part 3 of our series, Justifying an APM Investment, we are examining how Application Performance Management software (APM) make a company’s IT operations more efficient and productive.  We have already discussed the positive impact of Application Performance Management on the business (Part 1) and documented how to quantify that impacthow to quantify that impact (Part 2) in order to […]

Justifying an APM investment, part 3 – reducing IT and Operations costs

In Part 3 of our series, Justifying an APM Investment, we are examining how Application Performance Management software (APM) make a company’s IT operations more efficient and productive.  We have already discussed the positive impact of Application Performance Management on the business (Part 1) and documented how to quantify that impacthow to quantify that impact (Part 2) in order to […]

The 3 Pillars of Proactive Application Monitoring

You’re committed to providing customers with excellent value, but the fact is that every application has issues that arise when it’s launched, when it’s updated, or when the environment it’s running in changes. Automated monitoring software helps you find problems as they emerge, often before clients are even aware of them, and begin working on […]

6 key Application Performance Management Software functions to perform deep Root Cause Analysis

Tools to monitor application performance have been around a long time.  Capturing insufficient performance data is not the main issue preventing better application monitoring and troubleshooting.  The issue has always been what to do with the captured data to increase performance, and how to do it cost effectively.  Technology advanced to answer those questions, and today, […]

Siebel Troubleshooting: Diagnosing User Disconnects using Germain UX for Siebel

If you’ve ever manned a Siebel HelpDesk, you’ve received the frantic calls from users whose data or workflow has been lost when the system disconnected them.  Of course, you do what you can to help recover their work or confirm that a process was executed or, if not, where it terminated – users come first […]

Justifying an APM software investment, part 1 – a positive impact on the business

Today we are starting a series of posts to discuss the topic of justifying investments in APM technologies. Application Performance Management (APM) tools are becoming an integral part of the infrastructure for mission-critical business applications, making it easier to justify investment in APM technology.   However, IT budgets worldwide are still tight, and the business case for implementing […]

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