Germain UX

5 Best RMM Software Tools to Use in 2022

RMM Software

As the world has shifted towards remote work in the wake of Covid-19, the need for remote management and monitoring tools has increased. Managed service providers (MSPs) use RMMs to provide off-site, automated and streamlined support to their clients for their IT needs. Having an efficient RMM can reduce workload and give MSPs a competitive edge over […]

Resource Bundle

KPI Dashboards for Enterprises

Resource Bundle: KPI Dashboards for Enterprises ? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable metrics that track a company’s performance against its key business objectives. And they are important for a variety of reasons:❇️ To monitor company health ❇️ To measure progress ❇️ To analyze patterns over time ❇️ To make adjustments and stay on track […]

The Observability Pipeline

Observability Pipeline

The Observability Pipeline ? Today’s systems are more distributed, dynamic, and complex than ever before – plus, users have more expectations. Also, the historical reliance on an operations team to monitor, triage, and/or resolve issues has become untenable as the number of services increased. This means that many of the tools that were well-suited before […]

IT Project

IT Project ROI and Business Case Toolkit ⚒️ Only 29% of IT project implementations are successful, while 19% percent are considered utter failures (according to the Chaos report). Thus, organizations must take the time to assess, quantify, and communicate the costs, benefits, values, and ROIs of enterprise technology initiatives. So, to help you get started, […]

Customer Satisfaction

How Product Teams and CTOs Can Create Customer Delight ? Customer satisfaction is about meeting customer expectations, customer delight is about exceeding them. Building customer delight into your product means going above and beyond simple customer satisfaction in ways that build a long-term emotional connection and loyalty towards your company.And customer delight matters because: 1️⃣ […]

Excel Template for Enterprise Businesses

Customer Lifetime Value Excel Template for Enterprise Businesses ? You don’t want to spend more time acquiring a customer than the total return you have on that customer. So, to understand the health of your SaaS business, you should measure your Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). Its most common formula is as follows: (Annual recurring revenue […]

How Product Teams Can Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate by Improving UX

How Product Teams Can Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate by Improving UX ? Checkout optimization can increase conversions by 36% (according to Sleeknote). And if your company struggles with a high cart abandonment rate, you’ll have to work on enhancing your user experience by removing blockers that lead to your customers abandoning their shopping carts. […]

Managing for Customer Value for Enterprises

Managing for Customer Value for Enterprises ? Earning customer loyalty is in the interest of both shareholders and management. Companies at the top of their industries in NPS or satisfaction rankings for 3+ years, grow revenues roughly 2.5x as fast as their industry peers and deliver 2-5x times the shareholder returns over the next 10 […]

Customer Journey Map Templates for Enterprises To Improve Customer Experience

Customer Journey Map Templates for Enterprises To Improve Customer Experience ? Customers no longer base their loyalty on price or product, but on the experience they receive. 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience (according to Super Office). So, to help you get started in actioning what your customers […]

Troubleshoot Javascript (in real-time)

Troubleshoot Javascript (in real-time) Javascript execution analysis on dev environments is easy—just use Google Developer or some other free tools. However, getting the same level of analysis while your application is being used by a real user is much harder. You can’t possibly ask the end-user to help you troubleshoot. Even if you did, the […]

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