Revenue Waterfall Excel Chart Template for Software Enterprises
Revenue Waterfall Excel Chart Template for Software Enterprises ? The global SaaS market is expected to grow to $272.49 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 20.8% (according to the Global Market Report). But revenue recognition is not that straightforward in subscription-based business models. For a SaaS revenue forecast, you have to take many factors […]
Revenue and Expenses KPI Dashboard Report for Enterprises
Revenue and Expenses KPI Dashboard Report for Enterprises ? Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a key component in understanding a company’s progress towards its stated goals. Yet, it is not always clear what makes a performance indicator “key”. Moreover, what type of information should be provided for each indicator? And how can it be best […]
Revenue Sensitivity Analysis for Executives
Revenue Sensitivity Analysis for Executives ? For a viable SaaS business, LTV should be at least 3 x CAC. Most successful public SaaS companies (e.g. Salesforce) have a 5 x CAC multiple. Clearly, understanding your CAC and other variables versus your long-term revenue projections is key. So, here is a ready-to-use template to help you […]
What is RMM (Remote Monitoring Management)?
We’re gradually shifting more to working remotely. And, the number of companies embracing remote and hybrid workforces in the wake of the pandemic is a substantial proof. Nevertheless, several organizations do face varied challenges from welcoming these conventional IT solutions as switching to these initiatives tend to seem quite tedious. Speaking of how fast the […]
What Is Synthetic Monitoring?
Fully functioning sites, stores, and backend systems are essential for attracting customers, delivering services, and managing operations internally. Every organization’s systems and processes have a direct impact on its business, revenues, and reputation. IT performance monitoring should strive to ensure that the systems and processes of any organization operate correctly, round the clock. Under such […]
How To Monitor Network Traffic
In today’s digital world, almost every business is driven by technology, whether big or small. With the advancement of technology, the associated threats to the security of the IT infrastructure come hand in hand. Therefore, businesses need network traffic analysis tools to keep an eye on their network. Monitoring network traffic continuously gives a business […]
What is Digital Experience Monitoring?
Businesses globally have been steadily shifting to digital as early as a decade ago. With the coronavirus pandemic happening, the digital transformation has now shifted into fifth gear. Digital experience is the key to business success. As of 2020, there were almost 30 billion end users that’s connected to the internet. Digital revenue has increased […]
Cohort Analysis and Customer Behaviour Analytics Template
? Cohort Analysis and Customer Behaviour Analytics Template ? Are you doing a good job in analyzing behavioral patterns of your clients? Besides the user flow graph and user replay video which are the holy grail of client behavior insights, cohort analysis has become a SaaS analytics staple with various tools springing up (Google Analytics, […]
Revenue and Retention Rates Reporting Template for Executives
Revenue and Retention Rates Reporting Template for Executives ? Using an insightful set of performance indicators to steer your business is key. Yet Bernard Marr – one of the world’s most respected voices on business data and LinkedIn’s Top 5 Business Influencers – ranked monitoring performance as one of the 10 biggest challenges businesses face […]
The Three Pillars of an Agile Customer Experience
The Three Pillars of an Agile Customer Experience ? The recent (and ongoing) pandemic-related turmoil has forced us into at least one key behavior: agility. And that applies to business practices and technology as well. If we define agility as the ability to adapt and move forward, how does that apply to an organization’s CX […]